It's me again and I'm beginning to think that I write on the wrong day of the week since my posts are always pretty heavy. Unfortunately, it's a bit heavy again today for a Friday.
In my country South Africa, there is currently a big awareness campaign about rape specifically, and violence against women in particular. Today is "Black Friday" because we have such high incidences of rape and violence against women in our country. And with other current events in our country, what I want to focus today's post on is what it means to be a man.
Wait... stop. I don't mean in a gender identification way. I mean in the public world. You can be gay, bisexual, transgender, straight. If you identify as a man, then this applies to you.
I'd like to draw the distinction between the words 'man' and 'gentleman'. Right, you identify as male. I'm talking to you. You are, or are going to become a man. I'm going to talk in the very physical sense of the word. You're going to grow up, probably get hair on your arms and face, develop down under, get a deep voice, and in a lot of cases, be stronger than your female counterparts, physically. These are the physical attributes that make you a man. People talk about 'real men', 'if you rape, you're only half a man, etc.' I want to take this one further. Once you've become a man, or while you're becoming a man, you need to learn how to become a GENTLEMAN.
I will be very honest when I say that some of the best gentlemen I know happen to be gay and bisexual. So don't say that because you may be gay or bisexual, what is being written here does not apply to you. It does. In fact, it's probably a very important part of your identification. If you're principled in this, people may earn more respect for you in other facets of your life.
The world has got enough men. What it hasn't got enough of is gentlemen. A gentleman doesn't only open car doors and let ladies walk in front of him. Yes, he may do that, but that's old school. Let's redefine the term 'gentleman' for today's world. Today's gentleman respects all the women in his life, he respects women in general. He will not lift his hand, or a gun, or any other weapon in violence. He will not use the physical attributes the attained whilst becoming a man, to hurt a woman. He will stand up against those who are men, but who are not yet gentlemen. He will probably use all in his power to defend women he loves. Let's talk about animals, and children. A gentlemen will never need to abuse an animal or a child. His very stature will command their respect. Respect is earned, not demanded.
I am not sure, but I get the vibe that in recent years, men have felt a little disenfranchised by women, perhaps felt that they are less necessary than women to ensure the successful functioning of a society. I'm here to tell you, men, that the world needs you. I am beginning to believe that one of the only hopes for our world is for men to become gentlemen. Men, step up. Be gentlemen. Encourage other men to do the same. Let's tip the averages back from there being less gentlemen, to there being more.