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Go Texas! Bystanders Defend Family from Bigots

Freedom Requires Wings | by on




The citizens of some Nowhere Town in Texas gave me a shot of hope for humanity today.

Not something I would normally say, I admit. I lived in Northwest Louisiana for five years and it was very difficult for me. The American South is notorious for its intolerance of just about everything.

Nearly the first conversation I ever had with someone in Shreveport was with a man who was freely using the "N" word in front of myself and my small child. I found myself saying things to people like, "Please don't use the word "faggot" in front of my children."

One man replied to me, "I'm sorry, ma'am. I didn't know your kids were there. I wouldn't want anyone to talk about those people in front of mine either."

Today I was delighted to come across this:

This is a hidden camera video set up. The family and the waitress are all actors. According to the video, in a roomful of 50 odd bystanders, 20 odd came to this family's aid.

Be sure to have a box of tissues handy. I cried.

Well done, Texas.
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