Yes, I know. While the rest of the world is celebrating the British voting positively on equality in marriage, my world revolves around dogs. But there's no doubt about it. Dogs have been the centre of my world, for the past three weeks.
First, my pitt bull died. If you read my earlier posts, you'd know he was 12, and he had cancer. I had to face putting him down, and then, about 10 days later, our newbie pup, Scooter, landed in our lives. We went through a bunch of shit, including would it be good for our existing dog, would it be disloyal to Buller, would we be able to support and look after a puppy. Nevertheless, here he is. Our lives are centered around peep and poop and house training this little bundle of fur and energy. And our older dog has taken to him like nobody's business. At nights, they rush around playing like escaped lunatics. But then this morning, while we were walking our child to the bus, we stopped to buy some bread rolls and all of a sudden, three huge dogs had run out of a house and attacked her.
One was a male bull mastiff. That's all I saw, as his teeth flashed while he tore past me. Delilah is a rescue. We rescued her out of a situation where she was continually being attacked by an Alsatian. Before that, she'd been in shelter, so we don't know entirely what she went through in the first two years of her life. All we knew is that we took forever to rehabilitate her into some semblance of a normal, happy dog. And the other thing is you say you rescue a dog, but it's more like, sometimes, that dog rescues you. I truly believe that's how it's been with my girl. And so when you see this blond ball of fury followed by two side kicks leaping onto someone you love with all your heart, you see red. I hit the thing with my son's bicycle. My husband grabbed her and picked her up. Our friend kicked them. All we know is we got her out of there. A bad situation could have been a lot worse. I'm left trying to figure out why the world is centering around dogs.
I'm a believer in the energies of the world. Things usually happen because you're supposed to be learning something. So what is it that I'm supposed to learn about dogs? That dogs love you unconditionally? That it's a dog's life? That it is REALLY only mad dogs and Englishmen who should go out in the mid day sun? I'm at an age when I realise that I probably have to wait for the answer to be revealed. The problem is I'm not a patient person. I want things NOW. There's not a lot of demanding you can do with things of the universe though. What will be is just gonna be. ... and writing sentences like that makes me sad and happy.. sad cos I know it's a sign of 'maturing', and happy, because it's a sign of becoming more mature. A sort of monkey's wedding of emotions, if you will. But if you push me for an answer, I'm going to say that the lesson I'm supposed to hear here is that dogs love you unconditionally. They don't care if you're gay, or straight, or bi, or if you're needy or confused, or going through shit. So, I think one of the best things you can do for yourself if you're going through a bit of a time with yourself coming to terms with who you are, or if you feel rejected by friends or parents - etc - it's a good time to bond with a dog, whether you get one of your own or spend time with some shelter dogs, as a volunteer. There are so many dogs out there who need love, and they give it back, in abundance.
Snow Patrol's Chasing Cars sums up what I'm trying to say...