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Love is... |
“Hello, everyone -- my name is Jinx, and I’m a Heterosexual, Leftist/Progressive Christian.”
“Hello, Jinx”
Well -- they say the first step towards recovery is admitting you have a problem.
Personally, I don’t see how any of my self-applied labels constitutes a problem, but then again – I’m a charming little bundle of contradictions. I’m a straight person who believes passionately in gay rights. I’m a pro-choice, evolutionist Christian. (You thought coming out was hard – try explaining that one to your mom!)
My personal code is pretty simple:
Be kind. Be fair. Be NICE! Treat each other well. Stand for those who cannot yet find their footing. Speak for those who cannot yet find their voices. Treat each other well. Be nice. Be fair. Be kind.
That’s really why I’m here, I suppose. I try not to pontificate, and I can only hope to educate, but I would like to find a place where we can all meet in the middle and realize that we’re not just gays, or straights, or white, or black, or twirly all to hell, with green and purple polka-dots. We’re people. All of us, humans – with human thoughts, and emotions, and opinions. And, we really need to learn to get along better. We need to learn to listen to each other, and treat each other with respect. I’d like to smooth that path, if I can.
Prejudice – whatever face it wears, whatever mask it hides behind, or name it goes by – sickens me. It disgusts me, and more than that, it pisses me off. When I hear about bullying, I want to find the perpetrators and show them what it’s like to feel fear. When I hear about a kid who felt so rejected, and alone, and bereft that he took his own life because the alternative – living – was so intolerable that he couldn’t bear the idea any longer, I want to hold him in my arms and tell him, “You ARE loved. You ARE worthy. You will be happy. Every day has a beautiful jewel of love in it somewhere, if you’ll only try to find it. You don’t have to be afraid anymore. You don’t have to feel alone anymore. You are incredible and wonderful and 17 different flavors of awesome, and anybody who makes you feel like you are somehow “less than” -- they are the ones who need to be pitied, because they are missing out. I don’t want to miss out on you. I don’t want to miss the next funny thing you say, or the next silly/stoopid thing you do, or the next staggeringly brilliant idea you have. My life will be diminished without you in it.”
Everybody deserves to hear that message, and everyone deserves to feel loved. That’s why I’m here – to love.