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On Ivan Coyote

Freedom Requires Wings | by on





I think I have a new role model. And for the purpose of bragging rights, see her right hand? Yeah? I shook it. I touched a famous person's hand and it was awesome. 

So a few weeks ago, I got to hear Ivan Coyote along with Rae Spoon talk about their gender stories. Some of Ivan's stories got personal and intimate and some of them made me laugh and others cry. Of course Ivan is a storyteller, telling moving stories is kind of needed.

So if you couldn't tell already, this post will be about how awesome Ivan Coyote is. This isn't just me fangirling over someone, both Ivan and Rae present themselves as gender-neutral and struggled with their body image and how to act. Because we all grew up thinking we were straight and cis. But that's not always the case.

Now when Ivan was talking to the audience I was in, they never specified their preferred pronoun. Rae said they prefer “they”, but Ivan never said. On their webpage, the bio says she so for the sake of the article, I'll be using she.

So born in Whitehorse, Canada, Ivan has later become an award-winning storyteller. That main topic for her stories are trans* stories such as looking butch from a young age, being targeted by friends or people from the trans* community that left an impression on herself.

Now I could go on all night about how awesome she is and how good at storytelling she is, but that doesn't do much for you. So here. Lemme show you.

I find the videos really say it all of what she talks about, what she goes over. At the end of the day, I admire this person very much and I'm glad to know she still tours and tells her stories and hopefully changes people and touches people as she did with me.
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