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Freedom Requires Wings FRW The #1 QUILTBAG opinion blog on the web. We aim to open minds and help the queer community. News, blogs, video, worldwide suicide prevention and more. Worldwide

Gay, Straight, Black or White, Marriage Is a Civil Right!

Freedom Requires Wings | by on




That's me in the grey tee there, with my friends.
Dudes and dudettes, it's that time of the three-months again. Activists from all around Brisbane flocked together to march against government enforced discrimination- or should I say, we marched for marriage equality.

This rally was a little different to others- different starting location, large difference in temperature to last time (oh, Queensland.) and a little break sitting down in the middle of the road halfway through.

We met wonderful new people, listened to downright inspirational stories, and persevered through heat (and for some, hangovers..) to make our voices heard.

This was the third rally I'd attended, and it was by far the best. While there were less of us than August, and the weather wasn't as nice as it was in May, it was certainly the friendliest and most exciting.

Myself, my friends, and QHST!
I'm starting to feel almost at home in the Queensland LGBTQ community. I'm starting to move up to organising more events and weighing in on more serious discussions. You know, to a point. And my friends are right there with me- my subconscious must have an impeccable gay-dar to help me find friends I have things in common with.

I love the Equal Love rallies, if only for the amazing atmosphere the entire event gives off. It's hard not to just relax and let yourself scream and cheer, and it's an amazing feeling knowing that every single person in that area at that time are there to fight for the same thing- marriage equality. We aren't all gay, we aren't all straight, and we're all there for different reasons; but in the end, we all believe in the same thing. We all believe that the LGBTQ community should be able to marry who they love. And knowing that fact, is enough to make your heart feel all fuzzy and smiley. (wow that was a cutesy description)

While the Australian and Queensland governments have been pretty quiet on the matter, we aren't backing down. We want our voices heard, and until this decision is back in the spotlight again, we don't intend to back down.

As well as the usual cameras and photographers, this rally had something new; video cameras.

Australia has been fighting the marriage equality front for some time now, whether that be rallies, pride parades, petitions or, screaming "we're not bloody animals!" at people of Political Importance.

Next year, something different is happening. Next year, our voices will be heard in a new way.

Chad St. James' latest project, Love Like Yours, is a documentary that will explore the fight for equality, and just why we need the same rights other people are getting. It will challenge current Australian legislation and bring to light the discrimination the Australian LGBTQ community faces daily.

Now here's the difficult bit. This documentary needs funding to move forward. It's sitting at about $120 right now, but feature length documentaries take a lot more cash than that to get on their feet.

So, your help is desperately needed. Donate what you can, spread the page and the word like Nutella, and keep an eye out for updates.

The link is here.

You know what needs to be done.

PS: Another exciting part of the rally; hairspray in all colours of the rainbow! If you haven't tried to use it before, I seriously suggest you do- if you brush your hair afterwards, the colours are softer and your hair looks like it's been properly dyed! I seriously suggest that you consider it for any LGBTQ event you have coming up; it's $5 from Big W, or around $6 in New Zealand (at the Warehouse?), but I'm not sure about anywhere else. Either way, it's the LGBTQ parade accessory of the year.. in my books.
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