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Thanksgiving Poem

Freedom Requires Wings | by on




Cumulus (s)

I wanna give thanks to the land on which this building stands.
Thank you river, for flowing with gravity, gravity for doing your thing,
Father for working your ass off at the lawfirm. I’ve never done work as you do everyday.
--all to send us to school. Someday, I plan to match your pace. Mom, thank you for all the lunches, the hugs and the music.
You make pork and beans in the kitchen, and I watch the care you apply. You showed me how to make spaghetti, and you taught me the value of a clean floor.

 Brother, sister, younger brother. You taught me how I can relate to other people. Supporter, listener, teacher, friend.
Thank you teachers, for opening my mind and filling it with more than facts.
Thank you nation--your opportunities and safety. My only hope is that I can help others find their dreams in labor’s reach.
Thank you school for being safe, thank you Harvey for breaking that glass—let’s break some more.
Thank you camera for seeing what I see and saving it. Thank you internet for carrying all the lols.
Friends, I know I'm odd, and I know I'm awkward, but around you, I feel loved--thanks!
Thank you Freedom Requires Wings for being such a supportive community.


Being gay can be tough. You can feel alone sometimes, and you can feel that this world is not one that is meant for you, but what I have found is that I can find my own place in the world. It might not be in the arms of a woman, as I was told I should find myself, and it might not be in a medschool or lawschool, or at the top of a large check. I have learned to find myself where I am and to understand that wherever I am, I can create a safe place. The hardest peace to find sometimes is peace in the mind, but it can be achieved with thoughts of appreciation and love. It's one of the last few days before the insane rush of Christmas and the end of the semester. This day is as much about food as it is about reflecting on one's life. So eat up, and as you nod off to slumber, recall the things in your life and hold onto the good.
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