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Mary Chapa and Mollie Olgin, courtesy of Facebook |
A few days ago, Mary Chapa (18) and her girlfriend, Mollie Olgin (19) were both shot in the head in a park in Texas. Olgin died as a result of her injuries, but Chapa remains in the hospital. The chief of police claims that there is no evidence of a hate crime, but I think that's a crock.
I didn't know these girls. I don't know their back stories. All I know is that a dude toting a gun in Texas doesn't just decide, "Hey...there are two girls over there. I should shoot them in the head just to see what happens!" Anyone with half a brain can see that there is some measure of premeditation in a shooting case such as this.
As members of the LGBT community, we all have a lot of hate thrown our way. All these preachers calling for our execution and extinction are not making matters any better. People all over the United States and countries around the world are begging for us to be killed off like some dangerous breed of animal. And you know what? There are jackasses everywhere that are willing to answer that call.
I don't know the story behind Mary and Mollie. I don't know if a spurned boy took it upon himself to try and end both of their lives, half-succeeding. But I do know that someone, somewhere had enough hatred in their heart to seek these young girls out and shoot them both in the head. Honestly, I blame a lot of these religious fanatics.
I know I posted a couple weeks ago about how there are Christians who argue for our rights, as well, but for every true Christian there is one who isn't. For some reason, these people would rather focus on the two or three sentence passages in the Bible where it says dudes can't sleep with other dudes rather than pay attention to the BIG rules. You know, the ones that people usually have framed in their homes. "The Ten Commandments." Ring a bell at all?
"Thou shalt not kill."
It's right there. In black and white, plain as the nose on my face, clear as day. "Thou shalt not kill." And yet all these preachers, "called of God," are screaming at the pulpit for the systematic execution of all things LGBT. I seem to remember another guy that called for large executions of different groups of people. I think they called him Adolf Hitler. But what do I know? I'm just some pagan dyke behind a computer screen.
I'll tell you this, I know enough, and I don't understand why these preachers haven't been put behind bars for terroristic threats. Last I checked, if I walked into a mall and screamed "Every freckle-faced person in this building should die," I would be tackled by police and thrown in a cell faster than I could blink my eyes. No offense to folks with freckles, by the way. I'm covered in them, myself.
Anyhow, these people are hiding behind their religious freedoms as an excuse for hate speech. We say bigot, they say Bible. We say hate-speech, they say truth. There is no winning with them. We can argue back and forth, night and day until we are blue in the face... but they get away. They hide behind their religion. They hide behind the fact that we can't touch them when they encourage murder because a storybook told them they could.
These people are practically the next Charles Mansons of the world. Why is no one screaming for their arrest? I don't understand why they are still walking the streets freely. Charles Manson was labeled a lunatic and cult leader. He rests behind bars.
I didn't mean to turn this into a rant, but I guess it's going to have to be that way. Essentially, this is a call for justice. This is a call to stop the hate. Someone must be made into an example if we are to ever make an impact.
The hate has to stop.