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An ideal world?

Freedom Requires Wings | by on




In the world we live in today, there is too much hate and anger. This hate originates from ignorance. People don’t take the time to understand each other. If a conservative Christian who thinks homosexuality is a sin and should be punished would actually do research on the subject and successfully fathom what goes on in the heads of gays and lesbians, I guarantee he wouldn’t hold the same grudge he did before. What if everybody would attempt to understand each other? Put the morals of your religion aside for a moment, put aside what your parents told you for a moment, and look at it objectively. Try to understand why some things happen, try to realise that people have good reasons for their actions most of the time. How would you like a world where everyone would have to give each other a chance. A world where everyone would have to respect each other. That would be an ideal world wouldn’t it? I agree, but there is something else I have been thinking about. How would you like a world where everyone is bisexual?

In a world like that, everyone would per definition accept each other’s sexuality, in addition, no one would be limited to one gender anymore. I know this idea sounds repulsing for all you straight- and gay people out there, but look at it objectively, the world would be a better place. Not only would this world become free of hate based on sexuality, but this would also repress overpopulation which might become a problem in the future. Yes this world would have some very good aspects, but I am overlooking something. This world would be even better if everyone was pansexual instead of bisexual. What is “pansexual” you ask? Well gee, how do you explain a term like that? As far as I know (meaning I could be wrong), it’s like bisexual, except the entire idea of gender disappears. People who are pansexual are attracted to people of all sexes, and gender identities. The whole idea of selecting potential “candidates” on the basis of gender would disappear. I think I would enjoy a world like that. To add to the “open mindedness” of this world, let’s make everyone polyamorous too. Polyamory basically means you are capable of loving more than one person at the same time.

So in short, this is a world where everyone is able to love everyone, and even multiple people at the same time. The only thing that matters, is whether or not the personalities match each other. This world would be full of understanding and love and alternative lifestyles wouldn’t be frowned upon anymore. But even though this all sounds real dandy and all, there would be some problems with a world like that. The first problem is that, if everyone can love everyone, some things could get very complicated. Friendship for example. Wouldn’t it be frustrating knowing that all your friends could possibly have a crush on you? But that isn’t the biggest problem. The big problem would be that things could get boring after a while. There wouldn’t be any diversity anymore, everyone would be the same. Even though this world sounds like a lot of fun, I don’t think it would work very well. It’s not like everyone would appreciate a world like this. People are comfortable about their current sexuality most of the time, so why change it? The REAL ideal world is a world where everyone is them self, and everyone respects one another. Not everyone would have to be pansexual or polyamorous, everyone can be anything they want (a more fitting term would be “are” seen how “want” suggests sexuality is a choice).

It’s always good to fantasize about ideas like these, even if they aren’t realistic ideas.
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