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I've Just Been Fired... for Being Gay

Freedom Requires Wings | by on




And now you walk out the door, trying you're best to stay proud of who you are (S)
"So that's great! We've got the partnership with the hair salon for the association" my boyfriend says to me as we walk out into the street.

When we're in public, we hold hands. Some gays don't think that's the brightest of ideas, and there are risks involved, but I don't believe anything should stop me from holding the hand of the person I love just the way straight couples do.

Today, I'd stumble across one of those risks and fall face-flat into it. Coming up the hill on his bicycle was my boss.

I don't know if it was the slight glare that day, the sun shining into his eyes, the fact he was making an effort to pedal up the gently slanted street, or the fact I was holding the hand of another man, but his face was scrunched up and he looked a little disgusted. I'm not kidding, he reminded me of the man in the video took the screenshot from below. The street looked pretty clean to me, there weren't any bad smells... apart perhaps that of the homophobe that had now passed me before I'd even noticed what had happened.

"Sh*t, that was my boss" I muttered to my boyfriend as I discreetly let go of his hand. But alas, it was too late for me, as I would soon find out.

Do all homophobes look the same? (S)
That was at the end of February and up until this point, I had been working lunchtimes in his restaurant every Tuesday and Thursday, plus filling in on some weekends. On the first week of March, about 7 days after the dodgy encounter and after much worrying, I went into the restaurant to see the rota for the month. March: week 1, 2, 3, 4... Nothing. Not a single hour of work. I thought I had got the message.

However, I did see the barman when I went in and so I asked about my sudden disappearance of hours. He explained that I didn't have as much work because the other restaurants in the chain were less busy. The only word going through my head at that point was "bullsh*t".

You see, I didn't have a written contract, so there's not a lot I can do. Basically I was working on the black (I know, I know, how shameful). In January, two of the girls who (used to) work with me told me there would be a lot more work for me in March and April because people go on holidays. This was long before the encounter with my boss on his bike. So I knew there would be more work, and I shouldn't have had less. Therefore, "bullsh*t"!

The thing is he hasn't told me I'm fired, but I think it's pretty clear. He's obviously dodging the embarrassing situation. Seeing as he never said anything, I still had a glimmer of hope that I'd have work in April.

So, the end of March has just passed so I had another go. On Friday I went into the bar to check out the rota for April this time, and found once again that I had nothing. Odd that. Isn't it?

So I guess I'm fired, but what did surprise me was the reaction of some of my LGBT friends. Two of them thought I was being paranoid and that it probably wasn't because I'm gay. They suggested it could have been for another reason, like not working to his standards... No. He never had any major criticism for me and he wouldn't just cut my hours like that without sending me at least an SMS to explain.

This is something I think is even more dangerous and risky than me holding my boyfriend's hand. If some people in the LGBT community refuse to recognize the existence of homophobia and transphobia in today's society then we can never progress towards equality. These two people are for marriage equality, but they don't think homophobia is a problem in the country.

My situation now, after this "cowardly firing", is that I have no work and probably won't have any this summer either since it's too late to apply for summer jobs. I'm a student and if it weren't for my boyfriend having his job in a daycare center, I would have no apartment this month. Luckily for me, I've got my apartment thanks to him, and thanks to my association I can organise a little boycott since I know his LGBT clients!

To read Patrick's post on Public Display of Affection, click here.
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