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How to Interfere with People, Politician-style

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What is everyone’s obsession with sexuality? No, I don’t mean in specific circles – after all a blog that focuses on promoting QUILTBAG stories and points of view like us is on a pretty short leash as far as orientation is concerned – but in a more general way, in society as a whole. Take Rick Santorum's quote, “if you thought about gay sex as much as I did, you would think it’s disgusting too.” 

Yes, I don’t think he was exactly saying what he intended, but amusing revelations about Santorum’s orientation aside, a lot of people do seem to have a tendency to wander into other people’s bedrooms (metaphorically, of course. Okay, sometimes literally. It depends where you live). If the question isn’t “have you had sex”, it’s “who are you having sex with”, “why aren’t you having sex with the opposite gender”, “are you gay or something?” and "why aren't you having sex at all?"

White-Knighting, with hilarious
rebuke included just for you, readers
Alternatively, if you’re an American Republican politician or a “white-knight” online, the question is “why aren’t you having sex in the way and with the people I want you to?”

That’s all it comes down to, isn’t it? The bans on gay marriage in some states, the apparent inability to understand that some things just don’t matter, the thoughts that gay marriage undermines straight marriage – it all comes down to the fact that people just can’t get themselves out of your bedroom.

Now I know it’s not quite as simple as all that, but it does seem that there’s something homophobes love about involving themselves in other people’s relationships. If you walk down the street holding hands with someone of the same gender – well, the staple reaction here near London is to look away if you’re offended by something. Maybe it’s a British thing. In some places, you may experience people shouting homophobic slurs at you. It’s happened to me, it’s true.

Admittedly (for reasons I have never quite been able to figure out) the guy shouting had his hand so far into his underwear that I debated for a while whether it was actually Mary Poppins’ bag or some sort of portal into Narnia (I don’t know, maybe he was planning to throw a faun at me or something?). Anyway, that lessened the impact of his words somewhat, particularly when I pointed it out to him and his friends. 
But that’s just it, and I will get to this point over and over again. I wasn’t doing anything that would be considered inappropriate in public (unless you come from a ridiculously conservative area). I was just sitting there with my girlfriend. And frankly, it was none of his business. He just took offense to what he was thinking we got up to in our spare time.

Bring that up to a more global scale and you have politicians that want to nosey into your private life. Hell, everyone has seen that. It’s known as I-somehow-know-exactly-what-your-life-needs-and-it-is-a-lot-less-of-what-I-personally-don’t-like. It’s the basis for slut shaming and for misogyny and misandry and shaming people for not having sex and shaming people for having sex with many different people and shaming people for not being interested and all it comes down to is the general view that:

Your body is not your own. Your body is the property of someone else.

That’s a whole can of worms that I don’t want to go into particularly at the moment, as doing so might make me have to say “vagina” at some point) and, as the Michigan House Republicans can tell you, there is nothing quite as distasteful and rude as using a medical term in a debate about something impossible to debate without it. Right. I don’t know, I can probably add it in and see what happens anyway, but let’s keep this on-topic.
Just look at the chemistry going on there

So why are people so interested in your orientation? Why does it matter? Well, we already know that Mr Santorum thinks about gay sex quite often. And I’m sure everyone has heard about the “homophobes are pretty likely to be gay” test that was conducted a while ago. Maybe everyone that is so interested in stopping marriage equality is just angry because you won’t marry them. Maybe Santorum has been hiding his feelings for Mitt Romney for too long. He knows Mittens doesn’t feel the same way, so all he can do is support anti-equality legislation.

It’s a heart-breaking tale, isn’t it? And, if I may offer my expert opinion, it is the only logical conclusion.

So why is Santorum and Romney story relevant? It’s not, especially. But if they are allowed to wander into people’s lives and tell them that being gay is a sin (which is what they've been dancing around since they started their campaigns), then hell we are allowed to go into their lives and speculate on the real reason for the tension between them. If they interfere with us, we can interfere with them. Who’s with me?
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