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But what exactly is Intersex?

Freedom Requires Wings | by on




The Intersex symbol

Intersex! It's the third letter in QUILTBAG, and is the most physical out of all of them, intersex is a term used for a variety of different conditions which affects the body physically. These can range from chromosomal abnormalities  in some or all of the persons cells to someone's inability to respond to Androgen.

In this weeks article I will be explaining some of the former; Chromosomal Abnormalities. I will cover Klinefelter's Syndrome and Turner's Syndrome.  

Klinefelter's Syndrome
Klinefelter's Syndrome is a genetic condition which affects between 1 in 500 and 1 in 1000 births. It is characterised by the addition of an extra X chromosome in the male's karyotype (meaning they are XXY, rather than XY)
The condition was first discovered in 1942 by Dr Harry Klinefelter, who was the first person to describe it. The symptoms of this condition are highly variable (an XXY male may experience none of these symptoms whereas another may experience all of them). 

Children who are affected by Klinefelter's Syndrome may have weaker muscles and reduced strength and may have reduced muscle coordination when compared to other children. During puberty however it may become much more obvious due to the reduced amounts of Testosterone being produced, so because of this they often have less muscular bodies than other teenage males as well as less facial or body hair, wider hips and may have weaker bones, a lower energy level and may experience gynecomastia (growth of breast tissue). As they age they begin to look more like males who are not affected by Klinefelter's Syndrome, although they are generally taller. They may also experience the variable symptoms such as gynecomastia or a youthful appearance.

Unfortunately people who have Klinefelter's Syndrome are usually infertile or may suffer from reduced fertility.

How does this come about?
During Meiosis (The type of cell division used to make Sperm and Eggs) Chromosomes may fail to separate and so the Gametes end up with an extra X chromosome, which is then passed onto the fertilized egg

Turner's Syndrome
Turner's Syndrome is a chromosomal abnormality which affects between 1 in 200 and 1 in 5000 females. It is characterised by a lack of  an extra X chromosome in the females karyotype (Meaning they are X0, rather than XX) The syndrome is named after Henry Turner, who described it in 1938, In Europe however it is often called Ullrich-Turner Syndrome in order to acknowledge a European doctor who described it. As with Klinefelter's Syndrome the symptoms of this Syndrome are highly variable.

Symptoms of Turner's Syndrome can include short stature, Lymphedema (swelling in the hands and feet), a broader chest, low hairline, low-set ears, sterility, increased weight, webbed neck, poor breast development, a "Horseshoe Kidney" (when the two kidneys fuse in the centre), hearing loss, ADHD, and Non-Verbal Learning disability.

How does this come about? 
There is currently no known cause for Turner's Syndrome as the only solid fact known at this present moment is that the second sex chromosome is not transferred to the fetus.

Both Syndromes can exhibit Mosaicism in which some (but not all) of the person's cells contain an extra chromosome (or lack one in the case of Turner's).

Men who suffer from Klinefelter's Syndrome can still reproduce through IVF, Unfortunately however Turner Females can only be surrogate mothers.
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