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Numbers Looking Good For Maine

Freedom Requires Wings | by on




According to today's edition of The Advocate, the polls are looking pretty positive for same sex marriage. It seems they polled 993 registered voters from March 31 to April 2 and the polls are saying almost half of those voters are in strongly in favor of same sex marriage.

The results:
Strongly favor: 43.7%
Somewhat favor: 14.5%
Somewhat oppose: 11.7%
Strongly oppose: 28.2%
Not sure: 2.0%                          

As a straight woman, I'm going to be honest and say I don't understand why this is an issue at all.  The constitution grants everyone inalienable right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.  What gives anyone the right to deem what makes someone else happy?  I think that is part of what's wrong with our society today.  Everyone is concerned about what's going on in everyone else's bedroom.  What does it matter to you or anyone else for that matter, who I sleep with?  What goes on in someone else's bedroom doesn't effect you at all unless you are in their bedroom...true?  Here's keeping our fingers crossed for Maine.  Hopefully they will join the growing list of states in our country that are standing up to say that love is love and everyone has the right to marry the person they love.
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