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Don't you just hate it when you suddenly start eating children? Every time. |
The Concerned Women for America association does many “good” things. Mostly they tell us all about the “gay agenda”. No, not tell, they warn us of the very viable dangers here. You see, everyone on earth who is from a sexual minority really has this burning desire to somehow magically destroy the “sanctity of marriage”. Because, yeah, our existence is that horrific, that we are blatantly put here to destroy heterosexual relationships and ruin the lives of their children. Or eat them, as this sign screams. Obviously.
However fictional these children happen to be, the hysteria that surrounds almost the whole Western society is very much real. Case in point, the Concerned Women for America (henceforth known as the CWfA lest I run out of characters) has found six “core issues” in society that need Biblical philosophies to be applied to them. Apparently. Chief among these is protecting the definition of marriage, because definitely all we want is to somehow ruin it for heterosexuals.
One of the main reasons they attack us isn’t because of the Bible, or because they really think we are a “threat” to marriage. It’s because only a small part of the population actually attends church these days – and that means that churches don’t make any money. So yes, they try to play upon the rampant prejudices of society (“the gays are coming, give us money and we can go stop them!). The only reason that homosexuality is more of a threat to marriage than divorce is because we’re a minority.
It’s much easier to marginalise 3% of the population than 40%.
The Concerned Women for America organisation is possibly the main anti-homosexual group in the Western hemisphere (the only other candidates I can think of that come close are the Westboro Baptist Church and the Republican Party). They still believe that liking someone of the same gender is wrong. You know, because that sort of thinking is perfect for the 21st century.
People wonder why younger generations still have trouble coming out - and I think it really is because of the CWfA. This is an organisation that single-handedly donated $400,000 to Proposition 8. This is an organisation that thinks female rape victims shouldn't have access to emergency contraception or an abortion, because removing the foetus will "not punish the rapist enough". This is an organisation that openly promotes homophobia, that revels in it even. This is an organisation that has multiple ties to the Republican Party. This is an organisation that controls a lot of media.
One of the main reasons they attack us isn’t because of the Bible, or because they really think we are a “threat” to marriage. It’s because only a small part of the population actually attends church these days – and that means that churches don’t make any money. So yes, they try to play upon the rampant prejudices of society (“the gays are coming, give us money and we can go stop them!). The only reason that homosexuality is more of a threat to marriage than divorce is because we’re a minority.
It’s much easier to marginalise 3% of the population than 40%.
The Concerned Women for America organisation is possibly the main anti-homosexual group in the Western hemisphere (the only other candidates I can think of that come close are the Westboro Baptist Church and the Republican Party). They still believe that liking someone of the same gender is wrong. You know, because that sort of thinking is perfect for the 21st century.
People wonder why younger generations still have trouble coming out - and I think it really is because of the CWfA. This is an organisation that single-handedly donated $400,000 to Proposition 8. This is an organisation that thinks female rape victims shouldn't have access to emergency contraception or an abortion, because removing the foetus will "not punish the rapist enough". This is an organisation that openly promotes homophobia, that revels in it even. This is an organisation that has multiple ties to the Republican Party. This is an organisation that controls a lot of media.
Believe me, the Westboro Baptist Church don't have anything on the Concerned Women for America.
This obviously makes it harder for those in the States (and, through their influence in other cultures, pretty much everywhere else) to come out of the closet. I'm just here to say that they are wrong. I don't even need to look at their arguments to tell you unequivocally that everything they ever talk about is false. If you're having any doubts - perhaps it was their "it's a choice" argument, or maybe the "if you like someone of the same gender you must be either mentally ill or trying to ruin heterosexual relationships" - about your sexuality, just know this:
No uneducated, bigoted, fascist-Christian nut job can possibly tell you what you are. Because you are beautiful, and they have no concept of beauty.