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Hate claims the life of Trevor Project intern EricJames Borges

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19 year-old EricJames Borges took his own life Wednesday
after relentless discrimination.
Photo from Facebook
On Wednesday, January 11, 2012, hate claimed another young LGBT life. 19 year-old EricJames Borges, an intern with The Trevor Project from Visalia, California, took his own life despite being involved in an organisation created to help people in situations like his.

EricJames was raised in an extremist christian household and was bullied by schoolmates for his percieved sexual orientation on a day-to-day basis from Kindergarten through Elementary, Middle and High school, getting progressively worse. He developed chronic 24-hour migranes amongst other problems. The last straw came in High school when he was assaulted in a full classroom with a teacher present. He dropped out, was home-schooled and started college.

However, his freshman year in college didn't change anything. His strongly religious mother knew he was gay and performed an exorcism on him in an attempt to "cure" him of his homosexuality, causing his anxiety, depression, self-loathing and suicidal feelings to consume his mind entirely. He felt alone and that he had nowhere safe to go. When he came out in his sophmore year of college, he lost few friends but he was hit with a barrage of more hate from his family and was eventually kicked out of his house in October 2011.

Despite his heart-breaking situation, EricJames joined The Trevor Project in an attempt to help others in situations like his. He became a supplemented instructor of sexuality, a freelance guest speaker and a published writer. Through the contacts he made, EricJames said he made some incredible "giving, loving and accepting" friends which he never dreamed of having whilst he was in the closet.

"You have an entire life fit-to-burst with opportunities ahead of you. Don't ever give up and don't ever, for one second, think that you're not a valuable and beautiful contribution to this world. It Gets Better. With love, from EricJames."

EricJames was also the talented director, producer, writer, editor and photographer of this video promoting the universality of love:


If you or someone you know is thinking about suicide, please remember that there is help.

For help, please click here to go to our Support page.

Also, the following national hotlines are free and confidential, available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week:

The Trevor Project
24/7 Suicide Hotline for GLBTQI Youth

USA National Suicide Prevention Hotline
24/7, Free & Confidential

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