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Freedom Requires Wings FRW The #1 QUILTBAG opinion blog on the web. We aim to open minds and help the queer community. News, blogs, video, worldwide suicide prevention and more. Worldwide

"I'm not going anywhere" - Jonah Mowry

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This is Jonah Mowry, a 14 year old eighth-grader, who also happens to be gay. He has been bullied every day since 1st grade and called every name imaginable. So much so, that he's scared to go to school, he has self-harmed and he has considered suicide far too many times.

In his video that has moved just about anybody with a heart in their chest, Jonah has shared his pain with the world which has welcomed him with open arms. "Jonah and his video really shook us to the core of our being and we took it upon ourselves to post it on ALL our websites" said Perez Hilton earlier this weekend.

Jonah is the perfect example of someone who is staying strong in the face of adversity. His video will inspire many other bullied teens to keep their heads held high, no matter how hard it is to keep going.

Amidst claims his August video was fake, Jonah posted a video yesterday (December 3rd) thanking everyone for their support and also cleaning up the rumors around the legitimacy of his touching video.

This comes just 3 months after the suicide of another 14 year old gay teen, Jamey Rodemeyer and one can't help but wonder how many fragile LGBT lives Jonah will save through his international call to end the bullying. One thing's for sure, and that's that we probably haven't seen the last of Jonah Mowry now that he has this much publicity. We might see him on the news, hear him on the radio and read about him in the papers, but there are thousands of other young people out there just like Jonah. Some just can't muster up the strength to speak out.


Stop Bullying See our campaign to fight bullying: More >>

To Perez Hilton Watch Jonah Mowry's video to Perez here.

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